Execution Tales Chapter 89
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Here is the final Chapter of Execution Tales. As I did at the start of posting Part 4 I would like to express my gratitude to Richard Clark & his wonderful site Capital Punishment UK which was the source of much of the material for Part 4

The brunette in the attached picture is Janet Fielding who played one of Doctor Who's assistants in the BBC series in the 80's - this is what I imagine Maddy would have looked like

I hope that those of you who have been following the Tales enjoyed them as much as I did researching & writing them. Please let me know your thoughts - what you liked & what you didn't like

The only thing left to post is the contents page for the Part 4 of the Tales which will follow shortly

Chapter 89: Journey’s End

Three years later & Maddy Simpson & Gary Pierce were on death row in the federal prison in Washington DC. Today is Thursday & they are due to be executed at 9 am on the Friday morning.

Looking back Maddy concluded that it was the trip to Tabriz that had finally pushed them over the edge from avid enthusiasts to murderous obsessives.

Just like Jane Queen, “The College Girl Killers”, April Jones, Beth Slade & Cheryl Barnes & the Club Members MG & PT, they were desperate to experience again the sensations that had swept through them as they watched the hangings of the four young women in Tabriz.

As had their predecessors once they had returned from Iran they had very carefully planned how they would satisfy their raging dark desires.

Step 1: Maddy & Gary purchased a small farm in upstate New York with quite a large outhouse that they converted into an execution chamber complete with gallows, garotte & furnace for disposal of the bodies

Step 2: Using their experience they carefully profiled the type of victims it would be safest to abduct & kill. They decided to concentrate on those young women & girls on the fringes of society, illegal immigrants, prostitutes, sex slaves & the like

Step 3: Once all was ready Maddy & Gary started to abduct, execute & dispose of their young female victims at the rate of approximately one every two weeks

During their murderous rampage they killed approximately 100 young women & girls. All of their victims were obtained from in & around New York. The authorities had no idea that this was going on as the two killers knew exactly how to avoid coming to the attention of the police.

However over time they began to get careless & a girl, who in the event turned out to be their last kidnap victim, managed to escape from the farm & raised the alarm.

From then events moved fast, the police searched the farm & found the execution chamber & furnace. While there was no immediate evidence of bodies the arrest of Maddy & Gary was made inevitable by the discovery of filmed recordings of all of their killings.

Six months later the couple were tried & convicted of ten sample charges of 1st degree murder where, in addition to the video footage sufficient DNA had been retrieved from the farm to identify each of these victims.

It had been several years since New York State & imposed & carried out a death sentence for 1st degree homicide however in the case of Maddy & Gary the Judge, Appeal Court & ultimately the Governor unanimously held that these multiple serial killers should pay with their lives for their truly heinous crimes

Given the nature of the killings the authorities decreed that the most appropriate method of execution was death by short drop hanging. This decision was greeted with almost universal approval in New York & throughout the rest of the USA

As she sat in her cell Maddy could hear the sounds of the gallows being erected. The State had retrieved it from a warehouse where it had lain long unused however the officials who had inspected it concluded that it was still perfectly serviceable. As the scaffold was capable of dealing with only one execution at a time it meant that Maddy & Gary would be hanged separately one after the other.

The two female prison guards assigned to the condemned prisoner regarded Maddy impassively. To the relief of her guards up until now Maddy had been calm, seemingly resigned to her fate. They both hoped that this would still be the case the next morning


It is 8.30 am the next day. Maddy sits trembling on the bed in her cell trying to continue to keep her composure however she cannot stop herself from whimpering quietly. The doomed girl is undoubtedly easy on the eye dressed as she is in her own clothes which consist of a white blouse, short black flared skirt, tan pantyhose & patent black leather shoes.

Along with her two guards she listens to the sound of the execution party taking Gary from his cell & leading him down the corridor to the death chamber. Her condemned lover is silent as he walks to the gallows. After the door slams behind them silence reigns on death row.

Maddy starts as she hears the crash of the trapdoor fall & her hand involuntarily goes to her neck. Her whimpering gets louder & tears run down her cheeks. She is now very frightened.

Twenty minutes pass & then the three young women in the cell hear the approaching footsteps of the execution party as they come for Maddy. The door opens & two male guards go to her & gently but firmly force her to stand up. As they quickly & expertly pinion her arms to her sides the Governor & a priest enter the cell.

The Governor looks at the terrified young woman in front of him & says, “It is time Maddy, you need to come with us”

As if in a trance Maddy is led unprotestingly from her cell & down the death row corridor.

She gasps as the door to the death chamber opens & she sees the gallows for the first time.

Gary’s corpse has already been taken down his death having been confirmed by the attending doctor.

A single noose dangles from the crossbeam.

The condemned prisoner wails in terror & begins to frantically struggle with the escorting guards as they drag her towards the waiting noose

Several of the witnesses seated in front of the gallows looking up at the scene on the platform above them, men & women, cross their legs as they feel themselves becoming aroused. Cocks grow hard & push against the inside of underpants & trousers & pussies moisten, juices seeping into the crotches of panties under skirts

By now Maddy is at the noose, held firmly in place by the guards

The hangman steps forward, pulls the rope down over her head & tightens it round the doomed girl’s shivering neck

The executioner goes to the edge of the gallows & uses the winch attached to the other end of the rope to pull it taut.

Maddy is to be given hardly any drop to ensure that she slowly strangles to death instead of having her neck mercifully broken

The Governor steps forward & addresses the condemned girl, “Madeline Simpson you have been found guilty on ten counts of 1st degree murder & for these crimes you have been sentenced to be hanged by the neck until you are dead. Do you have anything to say before sentence is carried out?”

Maddie screams, “Please have mercy! I don’t want to die! Oh God I don’t want to die”.

The Governor stands back & nods to the hangman who pulls the lever at the side of the platform.

The trapdoor falls with a mighty crash

Maddy falls about six inches

She gasps & her eyes bulge as the noose tightens round her neck

For a few seconds the doomed girl hangs still

She then begins to kick & struggle

Her pumping nylon clad thighs push up her black tartan skirt repeatedly exposing her white panties to the transfixed spectators

Maddy’s pert breasts strain against her tight white blouse as her chest heaves & her back arches, her lungs desperately searching for air

Her eyes start to protrude from her slowly darkening face. Her tongue begins to emerge dripping drool from her gaping mouth

Many of the mesmerised spectators are now thoroughly turned on by the dying girl’s agonised sufferings. Semen oozes from the tips of throbbing erections & panties soak with feminine juices

Maddy’s agony continues for eight minutes before her struggles slow & finally stop & she sways dead on the rope. Sightless eyes bulge from a swollen & purple face. Saliva drips from her protruding lolling tongue onto her chin

Madeline Simpson’s journey is finally finished


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